Make electronic music online

August 21, 2017
Drum Mixing Techniques

World-renowned DJ and electric artist Deadmau5 has joined to offer an exclusive training course in digital music manufacturing.

Joel Zimmerman, better known as Deadmau5 features laid his floor in electronic songs all over the world. With a new course from Deadmau5 is revealing their knowledge in order to discover the art of electric songs production.

Your course offers lessons in composition, arrangement, mixing, programming, mastering, branding and self promotion. With plenty of personal experiences and swearing Deadmau5 will take you through the course with 20 video lessons, a course book, as well the possibility to upload videos for feedback from the class and for some lucky students even Deadmau5’s own critique.

Before he was Deadmau5, all Joel wished for Christmas time had been old toasters to disassemble. Now, inside the MasterClass, watch him take his music aside. Joel explains how he draws near melodies, blending and mastering to help make unique sounds you can’t find in a cookie cutter test pack. You’ll get not only their lessons, you’ll discover ways to create your very own songs without spending money on million buck gear.

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